Say to that mountain

Say to that mountain

 Mt 1

Say to that mountain “Be cast into the sea, and it will be removed into the sea!” Everyone in Christiandom knows that phrase. Did you ever consider the ramifications of those words, and how they would in turn affect and effect the outcome? Everything comes with a reaction (as ripples on the sea) from the original action.

What may seem good in your eyes may not be good for someone else. Just because it works for you doesn’t mean its working. Are the affects long lasting or are they infecting others around you? Processes have to work 1. for your good, and 2. for the good of the organization in whole. They are built on now term, short term, and long term. Can your processes endure the test of time?

The mindset of your business is like that; things that were done 10, 20 years ago affect, effect, and even infect us in the here and now. We all have heard it, “The only thing that doesn’t change is that everything changes!” It’s true, everything in this life is constantly changing and on the move, preferably forward. So when you think of what it is you’re doing, can you ascertain its outcome in the future?

There are organizations that are sinking into the ocean of confusion and shutting their doors; while wondering what happened to their dream; the negatives built a mountain of regret they feel they just can’t conquer. While on the other  hand, there are organizations that speak to their mountain and climb and conquer it.

  Here’s an example: (short version)
Company X built its business on great customer service. It grew exponentially! As it grew, of course it hired more associates, losing much of its clarity of vision and purpose. This is the mountain building process. Speaking to the mountain is recognition of the problem, and as in practice tools you go thru a DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, initiate, control) process. That is, your speaking to the Mt. So company X realized they situation and started a PPP program to bring them out from valley to an oasis of a 300% increase customers over a 12 month season.

Foot note here: DMAIC could be DMAICC (add the process ‘confine’) You must confine the problem before going on. DMAIC goes on in continuous sphere, as you recognize x, it must be confined and repaired at that moment.

Some companies don’t realize their Mt. is crushing their business, and they go around and around, never climbing or speaking, but building a trench just getting deeper in the pit. They are so close to the situation, its invisible to their sight, when it does come them from outside it can go one of two ways, 1. they take it to heart (as a threat in some way), and 2. they listen, realize the problem then start working on the remedy. Make the Mt. work for you!

How do you deal with your mountain? Don’t hesitate to speak to it and bring it to captivity.

I Love My Church!

The beginning of the month of January, we started a 21 day fast, which ended on the 25th. It was a time to reflect and reevaluate the past and look forward to the future.20150201_100143

The first Sunday in February we have what we call “I love my church!” It’s that thing most churches dread, and that’s asking for help. In our particular congregation it’s an anticipated event. Bethel – House of God, located in southern New Jersey is the place Pastors would die for (so to speak). The people practically can’t wait to serve their Lord in the various ministries offered.

The speaker, Pastor Kurt Kinney, gives a reason he loves the church (this local body). One thing he mentions with all gratitude is the fact that he doesn’t have to beg (smiling). Not that there are no needs to be reconciled, but when brought to attention, the need is filled and plentiful. Don’t get me wrong, by no means is this body of believers perfect, but we do know the Perfect One.

From nursery, to greeters and ushers, from keeping the camera for the web-cam to helping in the food drive, people are eager to help. It wasn’t always like this, and still some are not at that point yet, but it started with LOVE. At the end of Acts chapter 4, we see the early church giving from their abundance with all love for one another. This wasn’t a government thing ,or communal, but respect for Christ and each other.

Disinterested benevolence! Which is the giving of oneself without recompense, nothing expected in return; just as Christ Jesus, knowing we were bankrupt of everything that was pleasing to God, came despite of our (great) short coming and gave of Himself fully and totally to bring bring us back to Himself.

Servant leadership is a main key (stay) to bringing such a transformation in the body of Christ, or even the business realm. Bethel – House of God is a firm believer in servant leadership. When a leader serves, he is showing the way Jesus taught, by washing the disciples feet. Jesus said he came to serve and not be served.

Do we have a way to go as a church, emphatically YES!, and we strive to be like the One who extends mercy and grace and pass that love on. There are groups that are held during the week called ‘Proverbs groups’; you become apart of the bigger picture in this small group, accountable to one another. Sharing your thoughts and pains and working them out together, and on the other hand when one is blessed we all rejoice.

These are just some things I want to share with my extended family here  So you ask me, “Do I love my church?” A million times…YES!